Seroquel Quetiapine Withdrawal. Seroquel Quetiapine Withdrawal Timeline, step by step procedures, with free assistance.

In the middle of Seroquel withdrawal? Read this book for solutions. This book is written by James Harper, bestselling author and medical researcher. Click here
Seroquel withdrawal – How to taper Seroquel is fully described in How to Taper Psychoactive Medication. The full step by step process in detail. Free assistance is also available if needed.
Seroquel Withdrawal Symptoms – What are the symptoms of Seroquel withdrawal described as well as how to eliminate Seroquel withdrawal symptoms.
Seroquel withdrawal – What is the Seroquel withdrawal timeline? You will find that in How to Taper Psychoactive Medication. There is a timeline you should follow for a successful Seroquel withdrawal.
Seroquel withdrawal – Headache is all too common during Seroquel withdrawal. Want the solution? It is found in How to Taper Psychoactive Medication.
Seroquel withdrawal – Some have anxiety during Seroquel withdrawal, and some have fatigue during Seroquel withdrawal. How to Taper Psychoactive Medication gives the solutions.
Seroquel withdrawal – Nausea during Seroquel withdrawal is all too common. It does not need to happen. Read How to Taper Psychoactive Medication for the solution.
Seroquel withdrawal – Do you want a list of virtually all Seroquel withdrawal side effects? Not only does How to Taper Psychoactive Medication give the Seroquel withdrawal side effects but offers solutions.
Seroquel withdrawal – Brain zaps caused by Seroquel withdrawal can be eliminated quickly. Yes, the solution is in How to Taper Psychotropic Medication.
Hopefully you found The Road Back Program before you began reducing Seroquel. Most of our first time visitors have not, but there is no need for despair, we can assist you in getting back on track once again.
We understand you want answers and solutions for Seroquel withdrawal and our goal is to provide those for you, be to the point and not sugar coat anything. You have 2 approaches, or options, to choose from with Seroquel withdrawal.
- Reduce the Seroquel slowly and gradually.
- Reduce the Seroquel slowly and gradually with the help of specific nutritional supplements that have been formulated to assist with potential Seroquel withdrawal side effects.
Let’s look at option number 1 first. Seroquel needs to be reduced by no more than 10% of the original dosage. Only reduce again in 2 weeks if no major Seroquel side effects began during this portion of the taper. If Seroquel withdrawal side effects have started, and they are too much to deal with, you need to go back up to the last dosage you felt stable.
Only begin reducing again when you have had 2 weeks of feeling very stable.
Once you are down to the last 10% reduction of Seroquel, you need to slow the Seroquel taper down further. Instead of reducing the Seroquel by the last 10%, only reduce the Seroquel by 5%. Wait the full 2 weeks and then you can stop the Seroquel if you do not have any withdrawal side effects.
This option for withdrawal was developed by The Road Back in 1999 and continues to be the recommended Seroquel withdrawal method by the Seroquel manufacture.
This option does come with a downside. In 1999, we assisted thousands of people off psychotropic medication using this approach. Roughly 50% were able to taper off their medication for the first time ever. Great success! Not for us. This may have been better than anyone ever had before but this is what people went through.
As mentioned, roughly 50% were able to taper off the medication but the other 50% did not make it. The withdrawal was still too much, even at a slow and gradual taper.
What about the 50% that were able to taper completely off the medication? Most went back on the medication within a few weeks to a month because of lingering withdrawal side effects.
The Road Back Program continued to research for better was to withdrawal off psychotropic medications. We could not call this success.
Over the next 4 years, our founder Jim Harper, started a DNA testing lab and conducted hundreds of tests to investigate if a person’s DNA played a role in a person being able to taper off a medication. This gave some insight but was not enough to really make a change.
In 2004, Jim Harper formulated the first nutritional supplements that would not alter the metabolism rate of a medication, would begin to bring the body back to a natural balance that all psychotropic medications disrupt. Jim was able to reverse nearly all the lingering side effects caused by psychotropic medication and if a person took the supplements during their taper, withdrawal side effects were at a minimum if at all.
This is what to expect if you only reduce the Seroquel slowly and gradually. Not too pleasant.
Reducing Seroquel with Supplements
When reducing Seroquel using the supplements, the reduction of Seroquel is the same as if you were not using them. Reduce by 10% every 14 days and the last dosage, instead of reducing by 10% you would reduce by 5%.
Seroquel Quetiapine Withdrawal
As is the case for most psychotropic medications, using them for several weeks or longer may lead to physical dependence. This is especially true for Seroquel. Withdrawal from Seroquel is called Seroquel discontinuation syndrome, but in the real world it is Seroquel withdrawal. Seroquel should never be stopped abruptly and should only be tapered very slowly.
Even when slowing the tapering from Seroquel, there can still be some significant Seroquel withdrawals, which may be more severe if the prescription was for a very long time, such as years. Our Seroquel tapering page goes into how Seroquel can and should be tapered as well as what you can do to help avoid Seroquel withdrawal symptoms. A list of just some of the reported Seroquel withdrawal symptoms includes the following.
Seroquel Withdrawal
Seroquel withdrawal symptoms may include:
Suicidal ideation or behavior
Seroquel Withdrawal
Rebound mania
Psychotic symptoms that did not exist prior to taking antipsychotics
Hypersensitivity to light, sound, temperature, all sensory perceptions
Racing heart, tachycardia, hypertension
Unusual mood swings that can change rapidly
Loss of appetite
Loss of concentration, can’t focus
Excessive sweating
Dysphoric unease with life
Some limited reports of withdrawal dyskinesia
The Road Back over the past 25 years has helped countless of people off Seroquel successfully. In 2022, it seems most people being prescribed Seroquel only have insomnia or some other minor symptoms they asked their doctor about. If you were prescribed Seroquel for suicidal ideation or psychosis, make sure you consult with your physician before starting the reduction of Seroquel. Tapering Seroquel too quickly can cause psychosis and suicidal thoughts, so again please, taper Seroquel very gradually.
Everyone has a different set of withdrawal symptoms, there is no one size fits all description of “this is what to expect from a Seroquel withdrawal.” However, the most consistent symptoms we have seen at The Road Back are Seroquel withdrawal rebound psychosis, rebound mania, insomnia, and loss of appetite. Suddenly not sleeping, not eating, and acting manic when enduring Seroquel withdrawal is a sure sign that things are most likely going too fast and that the rate of withdrawal needs to be slowed down.
Also, the last reduction of Seroquel needs to be even slower than all previous reductions and allow more time before stopping the last dosage.
There are instances where people who did not have mental health problems experienced withdrawal psychosis when stopping Seroquel. No need to put yourself in harm’s way; reduce Seroquel slowly and gradually. Slow and gradual wins this race.
The Road Back can guide you through a successful Seroquel withdrawal and get you back to life again.
There is Hope and There is a Solution
The Road Back Seroquel Withdrawal
This page provides information on Seroquel withdrawal symptoms, quetiapine side effects, what it is prescribed for, and discusses treatment options.
Does Seroquel Work Long-Term?
Seroquel may be lifesaving in certain circumstances. There can also be a time to come off Seroquel and that is where we come in. The long-term usage of Seroquel is still questionable. In the February 2021, edition of Psychological Medicine showed these results: After following schizophrenia and schizoaffective psychosis for patients for 20 years, those who stopped taking the medication within the first two years were six times as likely to recover than those who continued the antipsychotic.
“Even when the confound by indication for prescribing antipsychotic medication is controlled for, participants with schizophrenia and affective psychosis do better than their medicated cohorts.”
“These and previous data indicate that after 2 years, antipsychotics no longer reduce psychotic symptoms and participants not on antipsychotic perform better.” ~Harrow, Jobe & Tong, Journal of Psychological Medicine.
There could be several reasons the long-term efficacy of Seroquel does not warrant continual usage of the medication. It could be after prolonged Seroquel exposure the dopamine receptors in your brain no longer function correctly, it could be the prolonged over expression of the JNK gene has sent your body completely out of balance. The list goes on and on.
There are some people that do better on Seroquel, that is a given. The Road Back is not on some mission to get everyone in the world to stop taking a psychoactive medication, especially an antipsychotic. We are here to assist those wanting to discontinue their medication with their doctor’s approval.
Seroquel Withdrawal Help
If you are taking Seroquel you may benefit from knowing more about Seroquel withdrawal, side effects, and other important information. Seroquel is typically prescribed at the time a person is in a mental health crisis. Too little attention may be given to understanding whether the crisis was a temporary situation. This can lead to unfortunate experiences by a person staying on a high dose of Seroquel or other medications for a very long time. A diagnosis may need to be adjusted, which may mean a change in the prescription. However, it is not always easy to find a physician who is well-versed in how to safely reduce Seroquel. Our doctors have much hands-on history with this population, which is often required to navigate this delicate terrain. You should inform your physician about methods of tapering medications such as strategies, timelines, and other points that your doctor may not have been aware of. We encourage you to share this information with your doctor for consideration.
Never abruptly stop Seroquel as the shock to the body could be overwhelming. Gentle, gradual, monitored tapering under the guidance of a trusted prescriber is safest.
Seroquel ( quetiapine ) is an atypical antipsychotic medication that is FDA approved for the treatment of schizophrenia and mixed bipolar episodes in adults. It can be prescribed for schizophrenia for children over the age of 12. Bipolar may include either acute manic or depressive episodes. Extended-release Seroquel XR is used for the same reasons in adults but only used in adolescents demonstrating schizophrenia or the manic bipolar I disorder features — not depressive episodes. Seroquel belongs to a relatively new family of drugs called atypical antipsychotic medications. When severe symptoms of either mania or depression occur, there may not be a lot of time to research available treatments that are offered. However, later there may come a time that a person may decide to go a different direction in treatment. This drug may have considerable side-effects including emotional dulling,9 that may naturally prompt someone to consider other alternatives.
What Is Seroquel ( quetiapine ) Used for?
Aside from the FDA-approved guidelines, there are several off-label uses for Seroquel which are being explored such as for insomnia, PTSD, OCD, substance abuse and addiction, delirium, anxiety, depression — especially in those who have stopped getting benefit from SSRIs — and personality disorders. We find a lot of people taking Seroquel specifically as a sleep aid, usually at a low dose of 25-150 mg.
At present, these off-label uses are being cautiously examined due to a lack of established dosing parameters and their effects on metabolic side effects, extrapyramidal adverse effects, and potential safety concerns.
Discontinuing/Quitting Seroquel ( quetiapine )Based on 22 years of experience, we suggest that Seroquel withdrawal be done at a rate of 10% reductions every 2 weeks. When you get to the last 10% reduction, only reduce the Seroquel by 5%, wait 2 weeks and then reduce the last 5%.The end of the Seroquel taper is the most important. The two reductions of 5% is key.
Now, if you begin to feel a return of symptoms within the next two weeks after stopping the last dose of Seroquel, go back to the 10% amount immediately.
Remain at 10% of your original dosage for the next 30 days. Then cut the 10% dosage in half and stay at the 5% amount for 30 more days.
Very important: If you came off the Seroquel and within 2 weeks began to have a return of symptoms go back up to the 10% amount again quickly.
The Road Back uses nutritional supplements to help stop or eliminate Seroquel withdrawal symptoms. These nutritional supplements were formulated by our founder, Jim Harper, after conducting hundreds of DNA tests on people that were taking a psychoactive medication. Special attention was paid to ensure there is no drug-supplement interaction.
In 1999, The Road Back could get 50% percent of the people off their medication by using a slow and gradual withdrawal of the Seroquel. However, that 50% still suffered and the vast majority had to go back on the Seroquel due to the withdrawal side effects. Jim took 5 years to develop these supplements and over the last 15 years he has changed the formulas several times as more information became available. Frankly, the best information came from 19 million people just lie you who used this program and emailed their questions and successes.
When using these nutritional supplements to help with Seroquel withdrawal, you begin the first week and only take the supplements, you do not reduce the Seroquel at all.
Two items to mention in a separate paragraph. If you currently smoke cigarettes do not stop smoking until off the Seroquel for at least 45-days. If you drink coffee, do not stop drinking the normal amount you drink until at least 45-days off the Seroquel.
Jim Harper toured several inpatient drug rehab facilities over the years and one observation he noticed immediately. The facility would not allow their patients to smoke. They wondered why they were having such a failure in the facility. Seroquel uses a specific metabolism route to breakdown and clear the body. Cigarettes and coffee use this same metabolism route.
Cigarettes open this route more and coffee slows down the metabolism process of anything trying to use this route. So, if you quit smoking and you are taking Seroquel, the Seroquel will no longer clear as rapidly and you will have 15% more drug stay in your system for more time. To top it off, if you stop smoking and still drink the same amount of coffee each day the coffee will act as though you just consumed 4 to 6 times more than you have. Cigarettes increase the metabolism rate and coffee slows it down.
Plus, I’ve seen people stop smoking and stop drinking coffee and they tend to have a psychosis all their own.
The reduction of the Seroquel is really the easy part. A 10% reduction every 2 weeks until you have one 10%dosage left. Don’t reduce by the 10% for the last reduction, reduce by 5%. Wait 2 weeks and then reduce the last 5%.In 1999, Jim Harper published how to reduce this type of medication. His published method is now the standard for psychoactive medications as published by the drug manufacturers and approved by the F.D.A.
Reduce the medication slowly and gradually. If withdrawal symptoms become too severe, go back up to the last dosage you were doing fine at and get stabilized again. When you resume the taper off the medication taper at a more gradual rate.
The nutritional supplements you will use for Seroquel withdrawal:
JNK Formula Complete – This supplement will help take care of a majority of Seroquel withdrawal symptoms. You take 1 capsule in the morning and 1 capsule in the afternoon.
Neuro Day – Take this supplement along with the JNK Formula Complete. It helps with daytime anxiety and helps promote a calm but not drowsy feel.
Neuro Night – You take this supplement about 15-minutes before bedtime to help with a restful night of sleep. Take 1 or 2 capsules.
Omega 3 Supreme – This is a very pure omega 3 fish oil that is high in EPA. You only need 1 softgel of this daily. You should take any time before 4pm.The program is a simple as described above. You can also send an email to Jim Harper and he can guide you through, help adjust anything as needed. Use the Contact Us link on the top navigation of this website and Jim will reply.
Keep this close to your during your journey: There is Hope and There is a Solution All of Jim Harper’s book, How to Get Off Psychoactive Drugs Safely is found on this website. Just click The Program on the top navigation bar.
It is a good idea to keep a journal during your progress. How you felt that day, any changes you made to diet, exercise, stress at work or in your life. Ideally, you would not make any changes to your diet or exercise during the Seroquel withdrawal steps.
Seroquel ( quetiapine ) Side Effects
There can be a wide range of side effects from Seroquel, from mild to moderate to severe. Not everyone experiences significant side effects such as the ones listed here.Side effects can include these common ones:
Orthostatic Hypotension: A sudden drop in blood pressure, especially after rising from a sitting or lying position, may also feel like fainting momentarily
Swollen throat or sinuses, stuffy nose
An increased appetite
Weight gain
Dryness of the mouth
Stomach or abdominal pain
Back pain
Inability to urinate, painful urination
Low sodium levels
Disturbed sleep
Less common, but more severe adverse effects should be carefully monitored and could include:
Suicidality (ideation and behavior) especially noted in younger patients under age 25Tardive Dyskinesia
Tachycardia, pounding heart
Movement disorders, involuntary repeating movements of limbs, face, tongue, etc.
Intense pain in the abdomen
Tremors, shaking
Painful persistent erection
Cataracts in eyes
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome: potentially life-threatening severe rash, allergic-like reaction, including fever, unconsciousness, raised welts, loss of consciousness, difficulty speaking, coma, sores in the mouth and mucous tissue, requires emergency transport to ICU or burn unit
Slowed heartbeat
Sleep apnea
Low white blood cell count
Breast inflammation, enlarged breasts, either sex
Breast discharge in either sex
Abnormal liver function or liver failure
Stroke, especially in elderly
Swelling of the hands/feet/legs etc. fluid retention
Hypothyroidism, low thyroid function
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
DRESS syndrome (drug rash increased eosinophilia — white blood cells, systemic) a potentially fatal drug reaction that needs immediate attention if a rash appears with fever or other flu-like symptoms
Parkinsonism, i.e., drug-induced symptoms that resemble Parkinson’s Disease such as unusually slowed movement, shuffling walk, slowed motor controls.
Enlargement of heart muscle tissue Another set of side effects to be aware of, and which may require monitoring during the night-time.
Sleepwalking or other normal activities during sleep, i.e., sleep-driving, sleep shopping, etc., of which the person has no memory.
High blood sugar, possibly extreme and associated with diabetic acidosis, coma, or death, have all been reported in patients treated with Seroquel.
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